Health Fitness tips

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Absent periods

In many cases, absence of periods are not a cause for concern. However, sometimes an underlying medical condition may be responsible for that will have to be investigated and treated.

Some girls are not going to start their periods by the expected age, and there are several reasons why periods can stop naturally at certain times.

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For example, your periods will stop during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or after menopause. Some types of contraceptives can also make you temporarily stop having periods.

underlying medical conditions

The medical name for the periods of absence is amenorrhea. The absence of periods can sometimes be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as:

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - a condition where the ovaries do not release an egg regularly (ovulate)

hypothalamic amenorrhea - where part of the brain that regulates the menstrual cycle stops working properly; this is thought to be caused by excessive exercise, excessive weight loss or stress

hyperprolactinemia - when a person has abnormally high levels of a hormone called prolactin in the blood

POF - where the ovaries stop functioning properly in women who have not yet reached the age of natural menopause (usually from age 50)

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When to seek medical advice

You should consult your doctor if you are concerned about any problems with your periods so they can try to find the cause.

Depending on what your doctor thinks may be the cause of your absent periods, you may be referred to a specialist for further investigation and necessary treatment.

More information about the diagnosis of absent periods.

Who is affected?

It is relatively common to stop having periods after being with them. This is known as secondary amenorrhea, and is estimated to affect 1 in 25 women at some point in their lives.

It is more common in adolescent girls and young women, especially in certain groups, such as professional athletes, dancers and gymnasts.

Do not start their periods by the expected age (primary amenorrhea) is much less common. It is estimated to affect 1 in 300 girls.

Treatment periods of absence

Treatment for the absence of periods depend on the cause. For example, the syndrome often can control the use of hormonal treatments, while women with hypothalamic amenorrhea often start having regular periods if cut in exercise and achieve a healthy weight.

In some cases, doctors may recommend waiting to see if their return periods or start your own.

Sometimes it is not possible for periods to be restored with treatment. This is usually the case of the absence of periods caused by premature ovarian failure.

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