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Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Breastfeeding, vaccines can cut ear infections in infants

Breastfeeding, vaccines can cut ear infections in infants

Breastfeeding vaccines can cut ear infections in infants higher rates of breastfeeding,

 the use of vaccines and lower rates of smoking mothers have reduced rates of ear infections during the first year of a baby, study finds recent. "Prolonged breastfeeding was associated with significant reductions in both colds and ear infections, a common complication of the cold," said lead researcher Tasnee Chonmaitree,

professor at the University of Texas in the United States. "It is likely that medical interventions in recent decades, as the use of vaccines against pneumonia and flu decreased smoking and helped reduce the incidence of ear infections, "he said.Ear infections in babies who are under six months of age have a increased risk of recurrent infection later in life.The findings, published in the journal Pediatrics, revealed that ear infection rates fell from 18 to 6 percent in three months age from 39 to 23 percent six months old and from 62 to 46 percent in a year olds.For the study, 367 infants under one month old were investigated from October 2008 to March 2014, to its first birthday.

The team collected samples of mucus from the nose and throat throughout the study to search for and identify infections and collected information on family history of ear infections, 

exposure to cigarette smoke and breast versus formula feeding .Parents notified whenever your baby showed no sign of an ear infection or upper respiratory tract infection, which is the common cold. "We have clearly shown that frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract, transportation of bacteria in the nose, and lack of breastfeeding are important risk factors for ear infections," he said Chonmaitree.Acute otitis media, or ear infection, is one of the most common childhood infections, the leading cause of visits to physicians for children and the most common reason children take antibiotics or undergo surgery

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